We detected that you are on a desktop, please reopen the link on your mobile device to redeem. If you experience any issues with your offer, please contact us at: support@fit52.com
Scroll down for more details on how to access your offer.
Steps to access your fit52 offer
Open the link from your mobile device
if not already installed, download the fit52 app
Follow the sign-up promps
Tap Continue when you see the offer
Tap 'Accept' when the Apple/Play Store prompt is displayed. This is noting that your paid subscription will begin after your offer expires. You can cancel at any time
You can then access fit52. Enjoy your workouts!
Offers only available to new members. Limited to only 1 per user.
See below for a walkthrough and troubleshooting tips.
Sign up after installing
Tell us your workout habits
Accept the referral offer
Accept your store's prompt
Need help with your offer?
Have you clicked on the link from the device you will be using fit52 on? fit52 is only available on mobile devices, you are unable to access the offer from a desktop computer
Have you used a fit52 offer with this account in the past? fit52 community members can only use one offer per account
Do you have an active credit card or payment method in your application store? Google Play and the App Store are the only ways to purchase a subscription to fit52. An active credit card is required.
Have you already created a fit52 account with your Apple or Facebook ID? Try logging in with either to make sure your offer isn’t already active on one of these social sign-ins.
Still having issues?
Either shake your phone while in fit52 to report your issue, or email support@fit52.com with your questions.